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大型中国漆木罗汉罗汉头像 19-20 世纪


高度:22 厘米

古董日本 Tokanabe 陶器战马大和和恶魔野猪 13.5 英寸


直径:34.5 厘米或约 34.5 厘米13.5英寸

精美中国古董镀金漆出口盒茶叶罐 19 世纪清朝

美丽的 19 世纪中国镀金漆出口盒,带铰链盖。周围都是精美的手绘,描绘了中国贸易的场景,各种货物被装进板条箱准备出口。很棒的中国古董漆器。

尺寸:17x12x9 厘米

精美中国古董康熙时期青白瓷茶壶长 Eliza c 1700

微型中国康熙时期青花瓷茶壶,具有典型的“Long Eliza”图案,底部有釉下蓝色玉“Yu”标记。缺少它的封面。

高度:约 5.5 厘米从手柄到喷嘴宽 10.5 厘米

精美中国越南网状皂石蜡烛或香炉 20 世纪



来自婆罗洲加里曼丹的古董汉巴东达雅克雕像守护者雕像 19 世纪至 20 世纪


高度:48 厘米(含支架)(人物本身尺寸约为 42 厘米)

一对中国古董出口纸胎画 19 世纪清代

一对精美的 19 世纪中国出口髓画,描绘了几个穿着传统满族长袍和头饰的人物。装框精美,上釉,可挂在墙上。

尺寸:约。 25×14.5 厘米(含框架)

精美中国复古蓝色单色景泰蓝珐琅花瓶 20 世纪



精美古董盎格鲁印度雕刻木制雕像展示架 19 世纪

精美的 19 世纪英印古董木雕展示架,大象形状,背着底座。雕刻质量精美,尺寸也很好。



一套 7 张古董或复古日本照片,描绘了富士山、“镰仓大佛像”、“大阪城”、“广岛县严岛”、“宫城县松岛”和“阳明门”,尼科'。

尺寸:每张照片约。 15.5x10 厘米或 6×4.5 英寸



尺寸:28x26x17 厘米

精美中国日本古董雕刻木托盘,带风景 19 世纪至 20 世纪


尺寸:33.5×23.5 厘米或 13.5×9.5 英寸

古董日本明治蓝白濑户瓷器由 Kato Gosuke IV 陶玉园五助制

一对罕见的日本明治时期濑户瓷器,由加藤刚介四世(1839-1905 年)设计。装饰有有趣的图案,似乎受到古代设计的启发。每个旁边都标有“陶玉园五助制”(从右到左)。

尺寸:每个大约。 18×16厘米

大型中国古董广州粉彩徽章瓷盘 19 世纪清



古董法国巴黎 Samson 中国风格瓷器茶罐

有趣的古董中国风茶罐,由巴黎 Samson 设计,采用 18 世纪中国出口瓷器的风格制作。缺少它的封面。



David J. White(1934-2011)创作的精美裂纹釉带盖瓷碗。盆栽非常精细,釉色和裂纹图案控制得非常巧妙。基础上刻有 DW 标记。





精美日本萨摩陶叶形碗,由 Koshida 制作,20 世纪初 标记越田

漂亮的 20 世纪日本萨摩碗,由 Koshida 设计。鸟儿在盛开的樱花树上,下面还有巨大的花朵,景色迷人。底座标有越田“Koshida”。

直径:12 厘米

精美中国复古景泰蓝珐琅花瓶千花千花 20 世纪

华丽的 20 世纪中国景泰蓝珐琅花瓶,采用经典的彩色“千花”图案,周围描绘着各种花朵。底座上印有“中国制造”字样。


大号古董日本蓝白色有田瓷浮雕模制碗 Aoki Bros

有趣的大型日本蓝色和白色有田瓷碗,带有浮雕装饰,饰有盛开的樱花树和牡丹,周围有花卉边框。这个例子没有签名,但相同的图案是由青木兄弟(Aoki Kyodai-Shokai)制作的,有时带有他们的釉下蓝色标记。


古董日本柿右卫门风格有田瓷口哨江户时代 c 1680-1700

罕见的古董日本柿右卫门风格瓷哨子,形状为斜倚的中国男孩或卡拉科。采用柿右卫门型釉上彩装饰,在有田窑生产。 1680 年和 1700 年。罕见的早期作品,灵感源自中国白葡萄酒人物。


大号古董日本九谷瓷充电器带 Fuku 标记 36.5 厘米 14.5 英寸


直径:36.5 厘米/约。 14.5英寸

精美古董日本镀金漆桌柜明治时期 20 世纪早期


尺寸:18x9x18 厘米

中国古董广州粉彩瓷盘 19 世纪直径 19.5 厘米

一对迷人的 19 世纪广东粉彩出口瓷盘,描绘了被无数花朵包围的色彩缤纷的鸟类和蝴蝶。


精美中国复古粉彩瓷布袋佛像 20 世纪

美丽的 20 世纪中国粉彩瓷雕像,布袋坐像,脸上带着幸福的表情。一手拿着他的传统包,另一只手拿着珠子。印在底座上。



精美古董日本景泰蓝珐琅花瓶,饰有大鸢尾花和其他花朵。 c.以明治时期、20世纪初为例。

高度:15 厘米

中国古董残破蓝白瓷巧克力壶 18 世纪乾隆时代


高度:10 厘米

稀有中国古董残破蓝白色姜罐 19 世纪清朝



古董缅甸雪花石膏大理石卧佛涅槃雕像 19 世纪

古董缅甸雪花石膏或大理石雕刻描绘了释迦牟尼卧佛进入般涅槃状态之前的最后时刻。从风格和穿着来看,很可能是 19 世纪的例子。

尺寸:约。宽 31 厘米,高 12.5 厘米。

大型古董日本瓷器充电器,带景观,由 Nikko 设计,20 世纪早期

令人惊叹的大型古董日本瓷器,具有精美的山景风景,人物穿过鸟居门,走向背景中的建筑物。底座上签有日光造“Made by Nikko”字样。

直径:31.5 厘米或约 31.5 厘米12.5英寸

中国古董明代漆青铜阿弥陀佛菩萨 16-17 世纪

Rare Chinese Ming dynasty gilt-lacquered bronze figure of a Bodhisattva seated on a lotus throne and holding a bowl with two lotus stems rising to the shoulders. Likely depicting Amitayus/Amitābha Buddha. Dating to the late 16th or early 17th century. Stylistically similar example in the collection of Ralph M. Chait Galleries has inscription and cyclical date corresponding to year 1593.


Fine Chinese Antique Polished Bronze Vase on Tripod Stand Qing Dynasty

Charming antique Chinese bronze vase standing on a tripod stand (cast together as one piece). Surface has been at some point polished but judging by the underside and interior, it appears to be a nice early example dating to the Qing dynasty.


Fine Antique Japanese Cloisonne Vase Dragons and Ho-o Birds Meiji-Taisho Period

Antique Japanese cloisonné enamelled vase featuring alternating panels with dragons and Ho-o birds. Early 20th century example dating from the Meiji or Taisho period.


Pair of Large Antique Japanese Hand Tinted Photographs of Ladies Meiji Period

Pair of large antique Japanese hand-tinted photographs depicting ladies in the garden. Mounted on board with remnants of framing tape on the back. Beautiful decorative pieces that would look great framed!

Dimensions: each photograph measures 29.5×24.5 cm

Chinese Vintage Ceramic Plaque With Winter Scene Inscribed 20th C Wang Feng

有趣的 20 世纪中国陶瓷牌匾,上面有精美的手绘山水风景。顶部的铭文似乎可以追溯到循环年份庚戌,在这种情况下对应于 1970 年。背面有王峰标记。


中国古董出口银花瓶,Sincere & Co 70 克

迷人的古董中国银花瓶,上面装饰着一只鸟栖息在盛开的树枝上,看着一对蝴蝶在上面飞舞。底座上印有零售商Sincere & Co 的标志,带有字母S 和其中文名称“Xian Shi”先施(先施公司的缩写)。中间是纯度标记90。左边的标记似乎是“壎”字。


精美中国古董镀金漆出口盒茶叶罐 19 世纪清朝

漂亮的 19 世纪中国镀金漆出口盒,带铰链盖。精美手绘,描绘日常生活场景。很棒的正品中国贸易漆器。

尺寸:20.5x16x10.5 厘米




中国古董漆酒杯带金属衬里 18 世纪清朝

一套罕见的古董中国黑漆酒杯,带镀银铜内衬。其形式和材料与 18 世纪的“紫胶紫”范例相似,但没有珍珠母贝镶嵌装饰。所有三个都附有蜡出口密封件。

尺寸:较大的杯子约。高 4.5 厘米,较小的约 1 厘米。高3.5厘米





一套四件套日本明治时期古董濑户瓷高脚杯/高脚杯,由 Kato Shunko 加藤春光设计。每个都装饰有略有不同的花卉喷雾和脚周围的几何图案。盆栽稍不规则。每件均在釉下蓝色底座上刻有春光制“Made by Shunko”字样。

高度:每个约。 8.5厘米


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2024 年 11 月更新 – 新品上架和拍卖 – Oriental Antiques UK

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November 2024 Update - New Arrivals and Auctions - Oriental Antiques UK


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Fine Chinese Blue and White Porcelain Rouleau Vase 20th Century

精美中国青花瓷花瓶 20 世纪

有趣的 20 世纪中国青花瓷滚花花瓶,描绘了带有风景的漩涡花饰,中间有不寻常的垂直脊线与釉下陶瓷体分开。

高度:22 厘米

LARGE Vintage Chinese Famille Rose Porcelain Vase With Flowers 20th Century

大号复古中国粉彩花卉瓷花瓶 20 世纪

令人惊叹的 20 世纪中国粉彩装饰大花瓶,四周饰有复杂的花卉图案。梦幻般的装饰件!


Chinese Antique Brown Amber Biscuit Glazed Foo Lion Joss Stick Holder Late Qing




Fine Antique Japanese Embroidered Tobacco Pouch Sparrow and Bamboo Meiji Period



尺寸:约。 14×9.5厘米(打开时14×17厘米)

Fine Chinese Antique Vintage Cloisonne Enamelled Bowl With Flowers Early 20thC

精美中国古董复古景泰蓝珐琅花卉碗 20 世纪早期



Antique Indian Kashmiri Chinese Style Wooden Stand With Dragons and Bats 19th C

古董印度克什米尔中国风格木架,带龙和蝙蝠 19 世纪

非常不寻常的古董克什米尔金字塔形木架,带有中国风格的浮雕装饰,有龙、蝙蝠和吉祥人物。由一整块实心木头制成,重量不到 2.5 公斤。此类实例实属罕见!


Chinese Antique 16-17th C Sancai Glazed Mingqi Pottery Food Offerings Late Ming

中国古董 16-17 世纪三彩釉面明启陶器食品祭品晚明

罕见的三件套明代晚期明漆陶食祭品,釉色为绿釉。约会到c。 1550-1650。作为参考,请参阅 V&A 博物馆的藏品,对象 FE.110-1996。


Antique Japanese Original Woodblock Prints of Birds by Gesso Yoshimoto 1881-1936

古董日本原创鸟类木刻版画,吉本月曹 1881-1936 年创作

两幅原版日本古董新版画鸟类木刻版画,作者吉本月曹 (Gesso Yoshimoto)(1881-1936 年)。有趣的是,它们没有签名。既有镶框的,也有釉面的。

尺寸:每个框架的尺寸约为。 24.5×13.5厘米

Antique 18th C Engraving by T Trotter Chinese Husbandmen and Their Manner of Tillage

T Trotter 中国农夫的 18 世纪古董雕刻及其耕作方式

罕见的 18 世纪古董蚀刻版画,作者为威廉·布莱克 (William Blake) 的学生托马斯·特罗特 (Thomas Trotter,1756 – 1803 年)。题为“中国农夫的耕作方式”。装框精美,釉面精美。

尺寸:框架尺寸为 40×30 厘米,雕刻的可见面积约为 10 厘米。 29×19厘米

Chinese Vintage Pair of Ink Calligraphy Paintings on Paper With Seals 43x28 cm

中国复古纸本水墨书法画一对,带印章 43×28 厘米

一对精美的大型 20 世纪中国水墨书法纸质图画,每幅都有两个红色印章。已安装好并准备装框。


Antique Japanese Hirado Blue White Porcelain Koro Incense Burner Mikawachi Ware

古董日本平户蓝白瓷 Koro 香炉三河内烧

古董日本球形青花瓷 koro/香炉,带​​网状格子盖。画有釉下蓝色的鸟类和花卉。

高度:9 厘米

Chinese Vintage Ink Drawing Candle Painting With Calligraphy and Seals 36.5x26cm

中国复古水墨蜡烛画带书法和印章 36.5x26 厘米

有趣的 20 世纪中国纸上水墨画,以燃烧的蜡烛和带有两个红色印章的铭文为特色。装框时纸张的边缘被折叠。


Fine David White British Studio Pottery Porcelain Crackle Glazed Vase 14 cm

精美大卫白色英国工作室陶器瓷裂纹釉花瓶 14 厘米

David J. White(1934-2011)创作的精美裂纹釉窄颈瓷花瓶,带有喇叭形边缘。盆栽非常精细,釉色和裂纹图案控制得非常巧妙。基础上刻有 DW 标记。


Large Chinese Vintage Famille Rose Porcelain Budai Buddha Figurine 20th Century

大型中国复古粉彩瓷布袋佛像 20 世纪

美丽的 20 世纪中国粉彩瓷雕像,布袋坐像,脸上带着幸福的表情。一手拿着他的传统包,另一只手拿着珠子。印在底座上。

高度:25.5 厘米或 10 英寸

Fine Antique Indian Repousse Silver Box Tea Caddy by J Boseck & Co Calcutta 246g

精美古董印度凸纹银盒茶盒 J Boseck & Co 加尔各答 246 克

优质古董印度殖民地银盒或茶罐,带有美丽的凸纹装饰,描绘了印度教神话中的各种人物,周围环绕着无数的花卉和叶状卷轴。内部镀金水洗。底座印有零售商 J. Boseck & Co. Calcutta 的印记。没有纯度标记,但显然是由高级银制成的。

重量:246 克或 7.9 金衡盎司

Chinese Antique Republic Period Gold Reorganization Bond Loan 1913 Signed



尺寸:47×35 厘米,包括框架(债券本身尺寸为 45×33 厘米)

Antique Japanese Blue and White Seto Porcelain Octagonal Vase With Handles 20thC

古董日本蓝色和白色濑户瓷八角形带手柄花瓶 20 世纪



Antique Japanese Blue White Seto Porcelain Vase by Kato Kanshiro aka Hishikan 菱勘

古董日本蓝白濑户瓷花瓶,由 Kato Kanshiro 又名 Hishikan 菱勘

古董日本明治时期濑户瓷花瓶,由加藤勘四郎加藤勘四郎(也称为菱勘)设计。具有可爱的图案,有盛开的莲花和草。底座上刻有釉下蓝色标记大日本菱勘制“Great Japan, Made by Hishikan”和淡淡的椭圆形标记◇勘。


Antique Japanese Carved Stag Antler Toggles of Lucky Gods Edo or Meiji Period



高度:约。 6 和 5.5 厘米

Antique Japanese Kutani Porcelain Miniature Koro Incense Burner Meiji Period

古董日本九谷瓷器微型 Koro 香炉明治时期

非常漂亮的古董日本三脚架 koro,以罗汉(罗汉)和风景为特色,以复杂的几何铁红色设计和蝴蝶为框架。下方标有“九谷”九谷。


Large Chinese Antique Famille Rose Vase ROMANCE OF THE WESTERN CHAMBER Late Qing




Vintage Japanese Gilt Lacquered Miniature Boxes Accessory For Hina Dolls 20th c

复古日本镀金漆微型盒子配件适用于 20 世纪 Hina 娃娃

一对可爱的复古日本微型镀金漆 kaoke(贝壳游戏)盒,作为传统 Hina 娃娃的配件。装在带有标签的原始储物盒中。

尺寸:每个盒子大约。高 6 厘米

Chinese Antique Famille Verte Teapot With Grasshoppers Late Qing or Republic Era

中国古董青花蚱蜢茶壶 晚清或民国时期



Chinese Antique Famille Verte Porcelain Plates With REPUBLIC OF CHINA FLAG 20thC

中国古董青彩瓷盘,带有中华民国国旗 20 世纪


直径:约。 18.7 厘米

Large Japanese Jiita Shikiita Burr Wood Display Stand

大型日本 Jiita Shikiita Burr 木展示架

令人惊叹的大型日本毛刺木展示板 (jiita),非常适合盆景、花道或其他装饰物品。周围有美丽的纹理和自然的活边。

尺寸:约。 31x28x3 厘米

Chinese Antique Engraved Brass Pot With Dragon and Qilin Early 20th C

中国古董雕刻龙和麒麟黄铜锅 20 世纪早期



LARGE Antique Japanese Blue White Seto Porcelain Vase By Sanyu/Yamayu 山勇製 Meiji

大号古董日本蓝白色濑户瓷花瓶 Sanyu/Yamayu 山勇制 Meiji

梦幻般的大型古董日本明治时期濑户瓷花瓶,带手柄。四周装饰有精美的手绘“花鸟画”或花鸟图案。底座刻有釉下蓝色标记“山勇制”“Made by Sanyu”(也可以读作“Yamayu”)。濑户烧真是一件非常华丽的作品。

高度:37 厘米或约 37 厘米14.5英寸

Chinese Antique Hand Tinted Photograph of Nine Dragon Wall Early 20thc Framed

中国古董九龙壁手绘彩色照片 20 世纪早期 带框



Antique Japanese Celadon Glazed Hexagonal Brush Pot Possibly Sanda Ware 19th C

古董日本青釉六角形笔筒,可能为 19 世纪三田瓷器

非常有趣的古董青瓷釉面六角形花瓶或笔筒,带有浮雕模制漩涡花饰,描绘凤鸟和麒麟。我们还没有找到类似的作品可供参考,但也许是一件 19 世纪的三田焼?


Fine Antique Japanese Ginbari Cloisonne Vase With Flowers Meiji-Taisho Period

精美古董日本 Ginbari 景泰蓝花瓶,带花朵明治大正时期

古董日本银巴景泰蓝花瓶,浅粉色背景上饰有紫色和蓝色的大花。 20 世纪初的例子可以追溯到明治或大正时期。未标记。

高度:15 厘米

Fine Antique Japanese Wireless Cloisonne Vase With a Landscape Ando Jubei Style




Antique Anglo Indian Kashmiri Papier Mache Lacquered Wood Box Writing Set 19th C

古董盎格鲁印度克什米尔纸浆漆木盒书写套装 19 世纪

精美的 19 世纪古董印度漆木书写套装,包括 1 个文件盒、1 个文具盒和 1 个墨水盒。所有装饰均采用典型的克什米尔漆器图案,如 boteh(佩斯利叶)、蔓藤花纹、玫瑰花结和色彩缤纷的植物格子。

文件盒 – 23×15.5×5 cm
文具盒 – 19.5×7.5×11 cm
墨水台 – 29.5x15x10 厘米

Fine Antique Japanese Cloisonne Dish With Flowers and Chidori Birds Meiji Period




Antique Japanese Awaji Pottery Turquoise Glazed Vase With Sanpei Kiln Flag Mark


精美的 20 世纪初日本淡路陶胡形花瓶,上面覆盖着醒目的绿松石釉。底座刻有三平窑的旗帜标记和JAPAN字样。


Fine Chinese Vintage Cloisonne Enamelled Vases With Butterflies 20th Century

精美中国复古景泰蓝珐琅蝴蝶花瓶 20 世纪

一对精美的复古中国景泰蓝珐琅花瓶,饰有令人惊叹的蝴蝶、叶状卷轴和各种几何图案的装饰。品质优良的作品可追溯到 20 世纪下半叶。


Rare Antique Japanese Black Monochrome Cloisonne Vases With Butterflies Meiji




Chinese Antique Relief Decorated Brass Tea Caddy Round Box Late Qing Dynasty


古董中国黄铜储物盒或茶罐,带有精美雕刻的凸纹装饰,类似于 19 世纪末和 20 世纪初生产的中国出口银器上的装饰。徽章上印有吉祥的“福”字,周围有龙在云间飞翔,仿佛试图夺取“火焰明珠”。底座上标有“中国”。


Fine Antique Japanese Miniature Mixed Metal Inlaid Vase With Geese Meiji Period




Fine Antique Japanese Hexagonal Seto Porcelain Vase Kutani Style Early 20th c.

精美古董日本六角形濑户瓷花瓶九谷风格 20 世纪早期



Rare Antique Japanese Yokohama Kutani Porcelain Double Gourd Vase Nakajima 中嶌造

稀有古董日本横滨九谷瓷器双葫芦花瓶 Nakajima 中嶌造



Fine Antique Japanese Kutani Porcelain Vase Jar With Birds and Insects Meiji Era




Fine Persian Islamic Antique Brass Vase With Engraved Decoration 19th-20th C

精美波斯伊斯兰古董黄铜花瓶,带雕刻装饰 19-20 世纪


高度:15 厘米

Rare Chinese Antique or Vintage Shiwan Pottery Foo Lion Dog Statue 20th century

稀有中国古董或复古石湾陶器 Foo 狮子狗雕像 20 世纪



Fine Chinese Vintage Famille Rose Porcelain Cong Vase With Birds Flowers 20th C

精美中国复古粉彩瓷琮花瓶带鸟花 20 世纪



Fine Chinese Vintage Famille Rose Porcelain Planter Plant Pot 20th Century

精美中式复古粉彩瓷花盆花盆 20 世纪


高度:15 厘米

Fine Antique Indian Silver Inlay Bidri Bidriware Drinking Cups Bowls 19th C

精美古董印度银镶嵌 Bidri Bidriware 饮水杯碗 19 世纪

一对迷人的古董印度 Birdiware 饮水杯,带有银色镶嵌装饰,饰有飞翔的鸟类和花卉喷雾。精美、厚重、不寻常的传统印度 Bidri 陶器的例子。


Chinese Antique Clobbered Export Porcelain Bowl 18th Century Amsterdams Bont

中国古董破损出口瓷碗 18 世纪阿姆斯特丹 Bont

罕见的 18 世纪中国“Amsterdams Bont”出口瓷碗,装饰有彩色釉上彩,荷兰。


Fine Antique Japanese Gilt Lacquered Table Cabinet Meiji Period Early 20th c

精美古董日本镀金漆桌柜明治时期 20 世纪早期


尺寸:29.5x24x12 厘米

Antique Japanese Damascene Komai Type Cigarette Case Dragon Mt Fuji Early 20th c

古董日本大马士革小麦型香烟盒龙富士山 20 世纪早期



Fine Chinese Antique Canton Famille Rose Porcelain Vase Late Qing Dynasty 19th c

精美中国古董广州粉彩瓷花瓶晚清 19 世纪



LARGE Chinese Antique 19th Century Boat Junk Gouache Export Painting on Paper

大型中国古董 19 世纪船用垃圾水粉画出口纸本

令人印象深刻的大型 19 世纪中国出口水粉画,描绘了一艘传统的船,又名“垃圾”,船上有两个人物。装框精美,釉面精美,可挂在墙上。之前由 Roseberys London 出售(背面有拍卖贴纸)。

尺寸:框架尺寸为 50.5×41.5 厘米(艺术品的可见区域尺寸为 37x 27 厘米)

Antique 19th C Engraving by Thomas Allom - Dinner Party at a Mandarin's House

Thomas Allom 的 19 世纪古董雕刻 – 官邸晚宴

罕见的古董钢版画,标题为“官邸的晚宴”,由 T. Allom 绘制,G. Paterson 雕刻。 1843 年由伦敦和巴黎的 Fisher, Son & Co 出版。 “中国,以一系列视图,展示了那个古老帝国的风景、建筑和社会习惯。”15幅插图中的第1幅。伦敦出版,1843 年。装框精美,釉面精美。


Antique 19th C Engraving by Thomas Allom - A Mandarin Paying a Visit of Ceremony

托马斯·阿洛姆 (Thomas Allom) 创作的 19 世纪古董雕刻——一位普通话来访的仪式

罕见的古董钢版画,标题为“普通话来访”,由 T. Allom 绘制,A. Fox 雕刻。 1843 年由伦敦和巴黎的 Fisher, Son & Co 出版。 “中国,以一系列视图,展示了那个古老帝国的风景、建筑和社会习惯。”15幅插图中的第1幅。伦敦出版,1843 年。装框精美,釉面精美。



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Fine Antique Japanese Mixed Metal Vase With Silver and Copper Inlay Early 20th C

Fine Antique Japanese Mixed Metal Vase With Silver and Copper Inlay Early 20th C

Fine antique Japanese vase decorated with beautifully incised + silver and copper inlaid sakura/prunus blossom. Reverse undecorated. Not signed but a heavy, good quality early piece.

Height: 18 cm

Fine Chinese Vintage Monochrome Cloisonne Enamelled Pots Round Boxes Early 20thC

Fine Chinese Vintage Monochrome Cloisonne Enamelled Pots Round Boxes Early 20thC

Fine pair of Chinese monochrome cloisonne boxes featuring auspicious Shou characters on the lids, surrounded by floral and foliate scrolls set against a spiral background. Base and interior enamelled blue. Good quality pieces. Not signed.

Diameter: 8 cm

Rare Chinese Antique Clobbered Blue and White Jar 19th Century Qing Dynasty

Rare Chinese Antique Clobbered Blue and White Jar 19th Century Qing Dynasty

Fabulous antique Chinese ‘clobbered’ blue and white jar with later European overglaze decoration. Featuring colourful dragons, butterflies and flowers painted very much in the manner of C. J. Mason.


Large Japanese Biseki Suiseki Standing Stone Bonsai Viewing Stone Wooden Daiza

Large Japanese Biseki Suiseki Standing Stone Bonsai Viewing Stone Wooden Daiza

Interesting Japanese biseki/suiseki standing stone with beautiful custom made relief daiza. Natural porphyritic surface with circular inclusions all around. Stone weighs over 4.3 kg. Great decorative piece!

Height: 29 cm (including the stand)

Chinese Antique Kangxi Period Clobbered Blanc de Chine Dehua Porcelain Foo Lion

Chinese Antique Kangxi Period Clobbered Blanc de Chine Dehua Porcelain Foo Lion

Rare late 17th or early 18th century Blanc de Chine joss stick holder in the form of a Buddhist lion (a.k.a. Foo dog), seated on a rectangular plinth, brocade ball under his left paw and ribbon in his jaws. Later decorated or ‘clobbered’ in Europe with colourful overglaze enamels.


Fine Antique Japanese Satsuma Pottery Bowl Meiji Taisho Period Marked Kozan 光山造

Fine Antique Japanese Satsuma Pottery Bowl Meiji Taisho Period Marked Kozan 光山造

Beautiful antique Japanese Satsuma pottery bowl featuring cartouches with figures and flowers, framed by intricate floral and geometric designs all around. Marked 大日本 光山造 ‘Great Japan, Made by Kozan’ to the base.


Fine Antique Japanese Cloisonne Tripod Koro Takahara Style Incense Burner Meiji

Fine Antique Japanese Cloisonne Tripod Koro Takahara Style Incense Burner Meiji

Gorgeous antique Japanese covered tripod koro with beautiful floral and geometric motifs all around. In the manner of works by Takahara Komakichi.

高度:10 厘米

Antique French Porcelain Plate in Japanese Kakiemon Style Marked Tashiro 田代

Antique French Porcelain Plate in Japanese Kakiemon Style Marked Tashiro 田代

Unusual antique Kakiemon style porcelain plate done in Japanese style and with Japanese signature ‘Tashiro’ 田代 on the back. However, judging by the style of the decoration, colours of overglaze enamels and the way the porcelain body is potted, it is most likely a French piece done in the manner of Kakiemon porcelain. Interesting and rare piece for a collection.

Diameter: 25 cm

Chinese Vintage Cloisonne Enamelled Rectangular Box With Domed Lid 20th Century

Chinese Vintage Cloisonne Enamelled Rectangular Box With Domed Lid 20th Century

Pretty Chinese cloisonne enamelled rectangular box with hinged domed lid. Decorated all around with various flowers set against a blue background. Interior enamelled in typical turquoise colour.

Dimensions: 8x6x5 cm

Fine Japanese Hagi Ware Sake Set by Senryuzan Kiln Tokkuri Bottle 2 Ochoko Cups

Fine Japanese Hagi Ware Sake Set by Senryuzan Kiln Tokkuri Bottle 2 Ochoko Cups

Gorgeous 20th century Japanese Hagi ware sake set by the Senryuzan kiln. Beautifully glazed bottle (tokkuri) and two cups (ochoko) with their original inscribed storage box. Each piece marked with impressed kiln mark.

Tokkuri (bottle) – height: 12 cm
Ochoko (cups) – height: 5 cm

Chinese Antique Clobbered Porcelain Blanc de Chine Dehua Dignitary Figure

Chinese Antique Clobbered Porcelain Blanc de Chine Dehua Dignitary Figure

Rare antique Chinese Blanc de Chine porcelain figure of a seated dignitary with later ‘clobbered’ polychrome decoration added in London. Similar, undecorated example in the Burghley House collection was recorded in their 1688 inventory and described as possibly Ming but could in our opinion also be an early Qing example dating to the 17th-18th century.

Height: 14.2 cm

Fine Antique Japanese Kutani Porcelain Lobed Vase With Figures and Birds Meiji

Fine Antique Japanese Kutani Porcelain Lobed Vase With Figures and Birds Meiji

Beautifully painted antique Japanese Kutani vase decorated with cartouches featuring figural scenes and classic bird-and-flower motifs all around. Framed by a background with birds in flight and intricate, heavily gilded border around the foot and rim. Base marked with generic Kutani mark 九谷造

高度:15 厘米

Fine Antique Japanese Kutani Porcelain Miniature Moon Vases With Birds Meiji Era

Fine Antique Japanese Kutani Porcelain Miniature Moon Vases With Birds Meiji Era

Very attractive antique Japanese miniature Kutani moon vases decorated with stylized birds, surrounded by intricate floral and foliate scrolls all around . Bases marked with generic Kutani mark 九谷.

高度:10 厘米

Chinese Antique Republic Period Silk Painting With Inscription 20th c

Chinese Antique Republic Period Silk Painting With Inscription 20th c

Nice Chinese Republic period silk paintings depicting a scholar and his attendant by the well. Inscribed in the upper left corner. Nicely framed and glazed, ready to hang on the wall

Dimensions: frame measures 31×25 cm, visible area of the painting is 22.5×16.5 cm

Chinese Vintage Painted Porcelain Figurine of a Seated Guanyin PRoC 20th Century

Chinese Vintage Painted Porcelain Figurine of a Seated Guanyin PRoC 20th Century

Vintage Chinese figurine of a seated Goddess Guanyin dressed in colourful flowing robes. Stamped to the base.


Antique Japanese Blue White Seto Porcelain Fish Shaped Kaiseki Dish Early 20th C

Antique Japanese Blue White Seto Porcelain Fish Shaped Kaiseki Dish Early 20th C

Charming antique Japanese relief moulded Seto porcelain dish in the form of a fish, painted with typical underglaze blue floral decoration.

Approx. 12.5 cm or 5 inches across.

Fine Chinese Antique Blue and White Porcelain Vase Kangxi Mark 19th-20th c

Fine Chinese Antique Blue and White Porcelain Vase Kangxi Mark 19th-20th c

Finely decorated antique Chinese Kangxi style blue and white porcelain vase depicting a scene with maidens surrounded by a variety of scholar’s objects. Really nicely done example of its type. Base marked with underglaze blue four-character Kangxi reign mark 康熙年製 so likely a Kangxi revival piece from the late Qing dynasty or Republic period. 

Height: 31 cm

Fine Chinese Antique Millefleur Famille Rose Porcelain Jar Early 20th Century

Fine Chinese Antique Millefleur Famille Rose Porcelain Jar Early 20th Century

Beautiful antique Chinese famille rose jar decorated in typical ‘millefleur’ or ‘thousand flowers’ pattern all around. Base stamped with a six-character Qianlong reign mark 大清乾隆年製.


Fine Chinese Antique Gilt Lacquered Export Sewing Box 19th Century Qing Dynasty

Fine Chinese Antique Gilt Lacquered Export Sewing Box 19th Century Qing Dynasty

Nice 19th century Chinese gilt lacquered export sewing box with hinged lid. Beautifully hand-painted all around with foliate scrolls, figures and various buildings. Great genuine piece of China trade lacquerware.

Dimensions: 27x19x11 cm

Fine Chinese Antique Blue and White Porcelain Paste Box Qing Dynasty Kangxi Mark

Fine Chinese Antique Blue and White Porcelain Paste Box Qing Dynasty Kangxi Mark

Fine miniature Chinese blue and white porcelain paste box with lovely underglaze blue decoration featuring landscape scene with figures crossing a bridge. Base marked with underglaze blue six-character Kangxi (1661-1722) reign mark but likely a slightly later Qing dynasty example. Attached Chinese export wax seal. Lovely piece for a collection.

Diameter: 6.5 cm

Antique Japanese Blue White Seto Porcelain Bowl by Kato Shubei II Haakundo 白雲堂

Antique Japanese Blue White Seto Porcelain Bowl by Kato Shubei II Haakundo 白雲堂

Stunning antique Japanese Meiji period Seto porcelain bowl by Kato Shubei II (1848-1903) 二代加藤周兵卫, also known as Haakundo 白雲堂. Featuring beautifully hand-painted pattern with the Three Friends of Winter and peaches on the outside and central medallion with a figure – possibly Su Dongpo – on the inside. Base marked with underglaze blue Haakundo 白雲堂 mark.

Diameter: 18.5 cm

Fine Antique Japanese Sumida Gawa Pottery Vases by Inoue Ryosai Signed 良斎 Meiji

Fine Antique Japanese Sumida Gawa Pottery Vases by Inoue Ryosai Signed 良斎 Meiji

Gorgeous complementary pair of Japanese Sumida gawa pottery vases by Inoue Ryosai 井上良斎. Featuring relief moulded decoration with dancing children on one side and mountains on the other. Each with impressed ‘Ryosai’ 良斎 mark to the base.

高度:22 厘米

Antique Japanese Blue White Genroku-yaki Porcelain Bowl by Tominaga Genroku 富永源六

Antique Japanese Blue White Genroku-yaki Porcelain Bowl by Tominaga Genroku 富永源六

Beautiful antique Japanese blue and white ‘Genroku-yaki’ porcelain bowl by Tominaga Genroku 富永源六 (1859-1920). Base marked with underglaze blue logo and signed 源六製 ‘Made by Genroku’. For reference see collection of The British Museum, object 1977,0228.6 (donated by David Hyatt King).

Diameter: 18 cm

Fine Antique Japanese Meiji Period Yokohama Porcelain Saucers by Kasugai 春日井造之

Fine Antique Japanese Meiji Period Yokohama Porcelain Saucers by Kasugai 春日井造之

Set of four antique Japanese Yokohama ware saucers decorated in Satsuma style with interesting scenes featuring Rakan and other figures. Each signed ‘Made by Kasugai’ 春日井造之. This could refer to Masuyoshi Kasugai 春日井増吉. Pieces of this decorator were sometimes sold by Deakin Bros & Co. of Yokohama.

Diameter: 13.7 cm

Fine Antique Japanese Meiji Yokohama Kutani Porcelain Saucers With Warriors

Fine Antique Japanese Meiji Yokohama Kutani Porcelain Saucers With Warriors

Set of five antique Japanese Yokohama Kutani saucers decorated in Satsuma style with various scenes depicting Samurai warriors.

Diameter: 13.2 cm

Chinese Vintage PRoC Porcelain Figurine of a Fisherman Manner of Zeng Longsheng

Chinese Vintage PRoC Porcelain Figurine of a Fisherman Manner of Zeng Longsheng

Vintage Chinese PRoC porcelain figurine of a seated fisherman done very much in the style of Zeng Longsheng active during the earlier Republic period. Impressed mark to the base.


Chinese Antique Kangxi Porcelain Dish Dutch Decorated in Kakiemon Style 18th C

Chinese Antique Kangxi Porcelain Dish Dutch Decorated in Kakiemon Style 18th C

Rare early 18th century Chinese Kangxi period export porcelain dish, decorated shortly after in Holland in the manner of Japanese Kakiemon porcelain. Pattern depicts a pair of figures in the garden, listening to a singing nightingale perched on top of a bird cage. For reference see collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, object 1995.268.140

Diameter: 20.9 cm

Chinese Antique Bleu de Hue Vietnamese Porcelain Cup Ruo Shen Zheng Cang 若深珍臟

Chinese Antique Bleu de Hue Vietnamese Porcelain Cup Ruo Shen Zheng Cang 若深珍臟

Amazing little Bleu de Hue cup, either made in China for the Vietnamese market or in Vietnam directly. Beautifully made, with interesting matte surface. Depicting a classic scene with a fisherman, accompanied by a poem: 渭水投竿日,岐山入梦晨. Base marked with underglaze blue ‘Ruo Shen Zheng Cang’ mark 若深珍臟 (Precious collection of Ruo Shen). Qing dynasty or Republic period example?


Chinese Antique Miniature Blue and White Porcelain Teapot Guangxu Late Qing

Chinese Antique Miniature Blue and White Porcelain Teapot Guangxu Late Qing

Cute little Chinese blue and white porcelain teapot dating to the Guangxu period, late Qing dynasty. Each side of the compressed spherical body decorated with a scene featuring figures in the garden. Lovely example of its type.

高度:10 厘米

Fine Chinese Vintage PRoC Porcelain Figural Group Lamp Base 20th Century 牛郎织女

Fine Chinese Vintage PRoC Porcelain Figural Group Lamp Base 20th Century 牛郎织女

Fine vintage Chinese early PRoC porcelain lamp base with a pair of figures, probably depicting the folk tale of The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl (牛郎织女). Impressed mark to the base.


Antique Japanese Red Ground Kyoto Satsuma Vase With Cranes Early 20th C Signed Kusube

Antique Japanese Red Ground Kyoto Satsuma Vase With Cranes Early 20th C Signed Kusube

Stunning antique Japanese Kyoto Satsuma pottery vase featuring a continuous scene with descending red-crowned cranes set against a beautiful red background. Signed to the base.


Fine Antique Japanese Kyoto Satsuma Pottery Vase With Figures Early 20th Century

Fine Antique Japanese Kyoto Satsuma Pottery Vase With Figures Early 20th Century

Interesting antique Japanese Kyoto Satsuma pottery vase featuring a continuous scene with various figures. Base marked with generic factory mark showing that it was originally part of a pair.

高度:22 厘米


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