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古董日本 Nokawa Noboru 混合金属花瓶。 明治时期

£154.00 中标

A fantastic miniature Japanese mixed metal vase by Nogawa Noboru dating to the late 19th century, Meiji period. Silver and gold inlaid decoration depicting pair of herons on one side and blossoming prunus branch on the other. Marked to the base with carved hiragana character の (“no”) and three vertical lines in the background for 川 (“kawa”, or “gawa” in compounds).

高度:9 厘米

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A fantastic miniature Japanese mixed metal vase by Nogawa Noboru dating to the late 19th century, Meiji period. Silver and gold inlaid decoration depicting pair of herons on one side and blossoming prunus branch on the other. Marked to the base with carved hiragana character の (“no”) and three vertical lines in the background for 川 (“kawa”, or “gawa” in compounds).

高度:9 厘米

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Identification of Asian Antiques. Translation of Chinese and Japanese Porcelain Marks