Explore our hub of resources created for those interested to learn more about the world of Chinese, Japanese and other Asian antiques. Pages below list meanings of various maker’s marks and other markings on Chinese and Japanese porcelain, explain many of the commonly used foreign terms and provide a myriad of genuine dated examples of Asian ceramics for reference. You can contact us directly if you need further assistance with identification of unknown Chinese and Japanese markings or to get a free valuation of your antiques. Our curator’s corner features a regularly updated list of hand-picked Asian art auctions and lists many additional tools for those buying on eBay. We are always busy working on new resources and will keep adding them to this page.
Esperamos que esta base de datos ayude a los coleccionistas, estudiantes y cualquier otra persona con una nueva apreciación por el arte chino y japonés.
Identification of Asian Art. Translation of Chinese and Japanese Porcelain Marks
Do you need help with identification of your antique or vintage Asian items? Own a piece of antique Chinese or Japanese porcelain and want to know who made it and what it might be worth? Have you spotted something at auction that you are not sure about?
We will help you identify your item or any unknown Chinese and Japanese porcelain marks, as well as signatures on other objects such as antique bronzes or carvings. We can tell you approximate age of your item, its value, and show you examples of similar recently sold objects.
Guía de identificación de marcas de porcelana china
Esta página enumera las marcas de reinado de porcelana china y las marcas de sello de los emperadores de las dinastías Qing y Ming. La guía simple explica cómo leer estas marcas chinas y los significados de los símbolos que rodean el nombre del Emperador. El enlace debajo de cada marca de reinado contiene ejemplos de marcas y piezas de época como referencia. También puede encontrar listas completas de los emperadores chinos de las dinastías Ming y Qing aquí.
Guía de identificación de marcas de porcelana japonesa
Otra gran página de recursos con muchas marcas de fabricantes que se encuentran en objetos antiguos de porcelana y cerámica japonesa, incluida la porcelana Arita, la cerámica Banko, la porcelana Kutani, la porcelana Nabeshima, la porcelana Seto, la cerámica Satsuma, la cerámica Sumida y otras. El enlace debajo de la marca de cada fabricante contiene ejemplos de obras de ese ceramista individual o un estudio. Esta página se actualiza regularmente y cada mes se agregan nuevas marcas de porcelana.
Other Japanese Marks and Signatures
This page lists some of the marks and signatures found on antique or vintage Japanese bronzes, cloisonné, woodblock prints, paintings and other non-ceramic objects. For identification of marks on Japanese porcelain and pottery visit our Guía de identificación de marcas de porcelana japonesa.
Chinese Export Silver Marks Identification Guide
This glossary lists some of the most common marks of artisan and retail silversmiths found on antique Chinese export silver. Identification of Chinese silver marks can often prove to be a tedious task so we’ve created this simple, condensed list of names, marks, dates and locations to make your initial research slightly easier.
Cómo salir con la porcelana china por las llantas de los pies
Foot rims of Chinese porcelain items could be a very helpful tool when trying to determine whether they are genuine antiques or just one of many modern reproductions that are flooding the market at the moment. When you recognize the trends and forms used during certain periods and dynasties, it is usually quite easy to spot when there is something obviously ‘wrong’ with the piece. However, it’s not always easy to spot a fake based on the foot rim alone and so it is always important to take into consideration all elements of your item when trying to determine its age – material, form, glaze, enamels, firing imperfections, style of the decoration, surface wear, similar known examples etc.
Curador de arte asiático: últimas subastas de eBay
Lista actualizada periódicamente de subastas de arte asiático especialmente seleccionadas que se encuentran actualmente en eBay. Presentamos antigüedades chinas, japonesas y otras asiáticas que nos llamaron la atención. Esta página también incluye varios otros recursos para los compradores de eBay, como una lista de vendedores recomendados, útiles búsquedas guardadas de objetos en la categoría de antigüedades asiáticas/orientales y búsquedas especiales de listados mal escritos que de otro modo serían muy difíciles de encontrar. ¡Vea lo que se vende en eBay esta semana y obtenga una ganga!
Chinese ‘Clobbered’ Porcelain Decorated in Europe
Clobbered porcelain or porcelain with later polychrome overglaze decoration done in Europe is a fascinating sub-category of antique Chinese export porcelain. What started as a simple addition of gilt borders, spouts or handles later evolved into more elaborate patterns such as Dutch decorated ‘Amsterdam bont’ porcelain imitating Imari palette, and even more colourful English pieces – with bright green, yellow or purple enamels – produced in the early 19th century.
Antique European ceramics inspired by Chinese and Japanese porcelain
This post is dedicated to European ceramics inspired by antique Chinese and Japanese porcelain or other Oriental objects. Europe has a long history of trade with these countries so it is not surprising that many European potters were inspired by their designs and attempted to recreate them in order to capitalize on their popularity. All objects pictured below are from our own collection (some already sold). We will keep updating this page as we come across any additional examples of European ‘Chinoiserie’ or ‘Japanesque’ ceramics influenced by Oriental designs.
Asian Art Price Guide – Recent Auction Results for Chinese and Japanese Antiques
This is a complete list of Asian art price guides on our website that feature some of the most recent auction results for selected categories of Chinese and Japanese antiques. You can access each individual list of guide prices by clicking the title or the ‘view all’ button below. All pages are updated on a regular basis to reflect latest market trends.
Terminología del arte asiático
Este glosario enumera algunos de los términos más utilizados con los que se encontrará como marchante y coleccionista de arte asiático. Se incluyen términos chinos y japoneses para objetos y técnicas artísticas, palabras tomadas del budismo y el taoísmo, terminología especial de porcelana y cerámica, así como algunas frases en inglés relacionadas con la cerámica o las artes asiáticas en general. Esperamos que este sencillo glosario ayude a los coleccionistas, estudiantes y cualquier otra persona con una nueva apreciación del arte chino y japonés.
This reference page lists some of the most popular Chinese archaic bronze forms of the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Many of these bronze forms are based on earlier ancient ceramic examples and were also reproduced in later periods in other materials including porcelain and cloisonné. Illustrations on this page show only general shapes of vessels and omit the decoration. Most commonly found decorative motif on Shang and Zhou ritual bronze vessels is animal-like ‘taotie’ mask with large bulging eyes and curved horns. This list is by no means complete and includes only some of the most commonly used bronze forms of the Shang and Zhou dynasties.
How to Date Antique Chinese Cloisonné – Ming and Early Qing Dynasty
Dating antique Chinese cloisonné can often be a challenging task, as it is not always easy to determine the age of a piece based on its appearance alone. However, there are a few key characteristics that can help narrow down the age of a cloisonné piece. One of the most important factors in dating antique Chinese cloisonné is the style. Generally speaking, cloisonné from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) tends to have a more formal, classical style, while cloisonné from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) is often more decorative and ornate.
Unusual Chinese Export Porcelain in Japanese Kutani Style
Did you know that Chinese made copies of Japanese Kutani porcelain in the late 19th century? Me neither. After acquiring a unique Chinese dish decorated in typical Kutani style – complete with mock Kutani mark! – I was curious to learn more. However, sifting through literature and searching online didn’t help – there appears to be no mention of these anywhere. One of the curators at V&A told us that they remember Rupert Faulkner, their retired Senior Curator of Japanese Art, mentioning Chinese copies of 19th century Japanese export ceramics in a conversation some years ago. This anecdotal evidence was all I had at this point.
Ftasaciones gratuitas de antigüedades y arte asiático
We offer free online valuations of Asian art and antiques. Find out what are your antiques worth – get your free appraisal by contacting us today!
1. Provide a brief description of your item – include any information that can help with its identification and appraisal such as dimensions, known history and condition. Press Entregar.
2. You will receive confirmation email and can send photos of your item as a reply to this email (attach at least 2-3 clear shots of your item).
We will examine your submission and get back to you within 48 hours.
Páginas útiles para compradores de eBay
Aquí puede encontrar las subastas de eBay actualmente enumeradas por nuestros vendedores de eBay recomendados que ofrecen regularmente antigüedades chinas y japonesas genuinas sin precios de reserva. Esta página se genera y actualiza automáticamente cuando se listan nuevas subastas.
Las últimas subastas de antigüedades de porcelana china de vendedores europeos, que actualmente figuran en eBay en la categoría de antigüedades asiáticas/orientales. Esta es nuestra búsqueda guardada especialmente diseñada que se actualiza automáticamente todos los días y debería devolver la mayoría de las subastas de porcelana china antigua genuina que finalizan pronto.
Últimas subastas de antigüedades japonesas de vendedores europeos y estadounidenses, actualmente incluidas en eBay en la categoría de antigüedades asiáticas/orientales.
Páginas de referencia con listas de artículos ¡Cómpralo ya!
Estas son nuestras listas cuidadosamente seleccionadas que incluyen algunos de los mejores ejemplos de antigüedades asiáticas que actualmente se encuentran en eBay como "Cómpralo ahora". Úselos como referencia si está investigando o planeando comprar un tipo particular de arte asiático. Tenga en cuenta que no somos propietarios de las piezas que aparecen en estas páginas. Úselos solo como referencia y tenga cuidado si planea comprar alguno de ellos, ya que los precios a menudo pueden estar muy por encima del valor promedio de mercado.
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- January 2025 Update – New Arrivals and Auctions – Oriental Antiques UKMonthly update with new items listed in our eBay shop last month. Visit our eBay shop to see all current auctions and Buy It Now listings. Get notified when we list new items – follow us on instagram and facebook or subscribe to our email newsletter. Visit Asian Art Curator to bid on featured eBay auctions closing this week. Featured auctions are being added throughout the week so make sure to stay up to date! …
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- Actualización de diciembre de 2024 – Novedades y subastas – Oriental Antiques UKMonthly update with new items listed in our eBay shop last month. Visit our eBay shop to see all current auctions and Buy It Now listings. Get notified when we list new items – follow us on instagram and facebook or subscribe to our email newsletter. Visit Asian Art Curator to bid on featured eBay auctions closing this week. Featured auctions are being added throughout the week so make sure to stay up to date! …
Actualización de diciembre de 2024 – Novedades y subastas – Oriental Antiques UK Read More »
- Actualización de noviembre de 2024 – Novedades y subastas – Oriental Antiques UKMonthly update with new items listed in our eBay shop last month. Visit our eBay shop to see all current auctions and Buy It Now listings. Get notified when we list new items – follow us on instagram and facebook or subscribe to our email newsletter. Visit Asian Art Curator to bid on featured eBay auctions closing this week. Featured auctions are being added throughout the week so make sure to stay up to date! …
Actualización de noviembre de 2024 – Novedades y subastas – Oriental Antiques UK Read More »
- Actualización de octubre de 2024 – Novedades y subastas – Oriental Antiques UKMonthly update with new items listed in our eBay shop last month. Visit our eBay shop to see all current auctions and Buy It Now listings. Get notified when we list new items – follow us on instagram and facebook or subscribe to our email newsletter. Visit Asian Art Curator to bid on featured eBay auctions closing this week. Featured auctions are being added throughout the week so make sure to stay up to date! …
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Latest arrivals | View all products →
Fine Antique Japanese Cloisonne Enamelled ‘Hundred Treasures’ Bowl. 19th Century£220.00
Fine Antique Japanese Mixed Metal Silver and Copper Inlaid Bronze Vases. Meiji Period£300.00
Antique Chinese Blue and White Porcelain Dish For Javanese Market. Wayang Puppets£350.00
Pair of Chinese Antique Export Paintings on Pith Paper 19th Century Qing Dynasty£125.00