This glossary lists some of the most common marks of artisan and retail silversmiths found on antique Chinese export silver. Identification of Chinese silver marks can often prove to be a tedious task so we’ve created this simple, condensed list of names, marks, dates and locations to make your initial research slightly easier. This simple guide is based on data from a variety of sources and auction listings. We’ve tried our best to correctly transcribe Chinese character marks based on photographs found in literature and online, but if you spot any mistakes, please let us know! Most dates are approximate and based on known examples rather than official records so use them as a rough guide only. For simplicity we’ve included one primary reference (with dating) for each mark, but in many cases we’ve used several sources with different variations of the mark while compiling this list.
Last updated: December 2024

Comprender los diferentes tipos de marcas que se encuentran en la plata de exportación china
1. marcas de orfebrería artesanal – estas marcas en caracteres chinos pertenecen a la persona que creó y decoró el objeto
2. marcas de platería al por menor – marca del minorista que vendió el objeto en su tienda. El platero minorista y el platero artesanal pueden ser, en algunos casos, la misma persona. Estas marcas suelen ser iniciales o un nombre completo escrito en inglés.
3. marcas de ubicación – ya sea en caracteres ingleses o chinos – puede encontrar ejemplos de estos a continuación.
4. marcas de pureza – Chinese silver is most commonly marked with ‘Zu Wen’ (high-grade silver) mark in Chinese characters. Sometimes it is also stamped STERLING or SOLID SILVER. There are also numerical marks such as 90, 85, 80 or 935, 900 etc.
Generic silver marks
足紋 o 足銀 – high-grade silver
純銀 – pure silver (Japanese silver mark)
点銅 (Diăntóng) – Chinese pewter mark
北京 - Beijing
廣東 – Guangdong
上 o 上海 – Shanghái
南京路 – Nanjing Road
天津 – Tientsin (Tianjín)
- AHÍ – Akow & Co. – probably Canton, late 19th / first quarter 20th century (source: A Chinese Export silver oval footed salver)
- arturo y enlace – 1889-1923, Yokohama. English company based in Japan (source: Fine Antique Japanese Silver Bowl With Prunus Blossom by Arthur and Bond, Yokohama. Meiji Period)

- Bao Cheng- 寶成 – c. 1900, Shanghai (marked 上) (source: TWO CHINESE EXPORT SILVER WAITERS AND A CANDLESTICK)
- Bao Sheng - 寶生 – late 19th century, Canton. Often retailed by Wang Hing (WH) (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER TAZZA)
- Baoxiang- 寶祥 – early 20th century, Beijing (source: A pair of early 20th century Chinese Export silver salts, Beijing (Peking) circa 1920 by Bao Xiang)
- Bao Xing - 寶興 – late 19th/early 20th century, Canton (source: A late 19th / early 20th century Chinese Export (Thai or Cambodian) silver casket, circa 1900 by Bao Xing)
- BH – Bo Hing – see ‘Bao Xing’ above (source: A late 19th / early 20th century Chinese Export (Thai or Cambodian) silver casket, circa 1900 by Bao Xing)
- CH – Chi Hua (sometimes also Ji Hua) – early 20th century, Peking (Beijing) (source: Five-piece Chinese Export Silver Tea Service)
- Chen Lian Ji- 陳蓮記 – 1890-1920, Canton (source: Miller’s Encyclopedia of World Silver Marks, p.823)
- Chen Zhi Ji – c. 1900, Shanghai (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER BOWL AND A PAIR OF VASES)
- Cheng Ji – 澄記 – c. 1850-1860, Canton (source: CHINESE EXPORT SILVER TANKARD)
- CHEONGSHING (Cheong Shing) – early 20th century, Shanghai (source: ANTIQUE 20thC CHINESE EXPORT SOLID SILVER DRAGON BOWL, CHEONG SHING c1905)
- CHICHEONG (Chi Cheong) – c. 1890 (source: A Chinese export silver teapot by Chicheong, circa 1890)
- CHIENAM – c. 1883, Hong Kong (source: A SILVER CUP. China, dated 1883)
- CHONGHANG (Chong Hang) – late 19th/early 20th century, Shanghai (source: Silver teapot with its stand and stove, China for export, late 19th – early 20th century)
- CHONGWOO (Chong Woo) – late 19th century, Hong Kong (source: A Chinese export three piece tea service, CHONGWOO HONGKONG)
- CJCo. – China Jewelry Company – late 19th/early 20th century, Shanghai (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER SALVER)
- CL – Cheong Lam (o Chang Lin) 昌林 – 1880-1910 (source: Cheong Lam)
- CS – Cum Shing (also CUMSHING) – c. 1880, Canton (source: A Chinese export silver canister, Cum Shing, Canton, circa 1880)
- CORTAR – Cutshing – c. 1850, Canton (source: A mid-19th century Chinese Export silver card case, Canton circa 1850 marked for Cut Shing)
- CW – Cum Wo – 1840-1910, Hong Kong (source: TWO CHINESE EXPORT SILVER PICTURE FRAMES)
- Da-ji- 大吉 (also Tai Kut)- c. 1929, Canton (source: An early 20th century Chinese Export silver basket, Canton circa 1920 retailed by Wang Hing)
- Da Xing - 大興 – 1870-1910, Canton (source: A LARGE CHINESE EXPORT SILVER SALVER)
- Da Xing De (Tian Xing De) – 1880-1940, Beijing (source: Miller’s Encyclopedia of World Silver Marks, p. 835)
- Fei Wen Yuan- 費文元 裕記 – c. 1900, Shanghai (source: A FEI WEN YUAN CHINESE EXPORT SILVER VASE . Fei Wen Yuan, Shanghai, China, circa 1900)
- Feng Xiang- 鳳祥 – 1880-1930, Tientsin (source: ANTIQUE 19thC CHINESE SOLID SILVER IMMORTAL FIGURES, FENG XIANG c.1880)
- Fu Xian- 福興 – 1895-1930, Tientsin (source: Antique Chinese Export Silver Candlesticks, Rare Set Of Four With Removable Sconces, Tientsin, China – Circa 1900)
- Gan Qing He – c. 1860 (source: Chinese Export Silver Frame)
- Guangji- 廣記 – 1890-1920, Hong Kong (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER COCKTAIL SERVICE)
- Guang Li – c. 1910, Shanghai (source: A Chinese silver bowl by Guang Li, Shanghai, dated 1910)
- GW – Gem Wo – mid-19th century, Canton (source: A large Chinese export silver pitcher and basin)
- Han Tian Bao- 漢天寶 – 1890-1930, Tientsin (source: Miller’s Encyclopedia of World Silver Marks, p. 826)
- Han Tong Chun- 漢同春 – 1880-1920, Hong Kong (source: Miller’s Encyclopedia of World Silver Marks, p. 826)
- HC – Houcheong – c. 1840, Canton (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER EGG CRUET)
- HCH – Hei Cheung Hing – 1860-1900, Canton (source: Antique Chinese Export Silver Repousse Cigar Case Hei Ch’eung Hing Of Canton)
- Él Xing - 和興 – late 19th / early 20th century (source: A Four-Piece Chinese Export Silver Dressing-Table Service With Chinese Character Artisan Mark for He Xing, Retailed by Hung Chong and Co., Shanghai, Late 19th/Early 20th Century)
- Heng Chang- 恒昌 – late 19th century (source: AN EXPORT SILVER TEA SET QING DYNASTY, 19TH CENTURY)
- Heng Li- 恒利 – c. 1890, Tientsin (source: A THREE-PIECE HENG LI CHINESE EXPORT SILVER TEA SERVICE. Heng Li, Tientsin (Tianjin), China, circa 1890)
- Hoaching – h – 1825-1870, Canton (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER GOBLET)
- perfeccionar Wo - HW – c. 1900, Hong Kong (source: A Chinese Export Silver Dish, Hone Wo, Hong Kong circa 1900)
- Hui Xing - 滙興 (Hui Hsing) – 1840-1885 (source: Silver gilt box with openwork design)
- HuiYuan- 滙源 – 19th century, Hong Kong (source: A Chinese Export Silver Casket)
- HUNCHONG&CO – HC -Hung Chong & Co. – c. 1900, Canton and Shanghai (source: Hung Chong & Co Repoussé Chinese Export Silver Punch Bowl, c. 1900; A Large Chinese Export Silver Flagon)

- HW – Hone Wo – c. 1900, Hong Kong (source: A Chinese Export Silver Dish, Hone Wo, Hong Kong circa 1900)
- Ing-Wo- IW – late 19th / early 20th century, Hong Kong (source: A SET OF EIGHT CHINESE SILVER PIERCED BOWLS)
- Jianji- 記建 – c. 1920, Canton (source: Antique Chinese Silver Bowl JIAN JI 記建)
- Jin largo- 金龍 – early 20th century, Tianjin (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER TEA CADDY WITH RED AGATE FINIAL, MARKED, EARLY 20TH CENTURY)
- Kai Tai- 開泰 – 1880-1930, Beijing (source: Chinese Export Silver cigarette case – Kai Tai, Beijing – 1880-1930)
- KH – Kwan Hing – late 19th / early 20th century, Hong Kong (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER TWO-HANDLED TRAY)
- KHC – Khe Cheong – 1840-1842, Canton (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER CANN)
- KHL – Kwong Hing Loong & Co. – 1880-1920 (source: A Chinese Export silver presentation three-piece tea service, Kwong Hing Loong & Company, 1880-1920)
- KL – Kam Lung (also Gan Long) – 1900-1920, Canton (source: A PAIR OF TWO CHINESE EXPORT SILVER MOUNTED CLOTHES BRUSHES)
- KMS – Kwong Man Shing – 19th century (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER BOX)
- KONG-CHAN – c. 1890 (source: A late 19th century Chinese Export silver tea caddy, Canton circa 1890 retailed by Kong Chan)
- Kun He- 昆和 – c. 1890, Shanghai (source: Chinese Silver)
- KUT SHOWN – 吉順 – 20th century pewterware, Swatow, Guangdong province
- kilovatios – Kwan Wo – c. 1880, Canton or Hong Kong (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER SMALL SALVER)
- KWAN HING – KH – late 19th/early 20th century, Hong Kong (source: A Pair of Chinese Export Silver Vases With Chinese Character Artisan Mark for Zhuo, Canton, Retailed by Kwan Hing, Hong Kong, Late 19th/Early 20th Century)
- L – Lin Chong (also Linchong) – c.1820, Canton (source: A collection of Continental marrow scoops)
- LAINCHANG – Lain Chang & Co. – early 20th century (source: A lidded export silver box)
- Lao Dan Feng- 老丹鳳 – c. 1930, Hankou (汉口) (source: A Chinese Export silver three-piece part tea service by Lao Dan Feng, Hankou, circa 1930)
- Lao Tian Bao - 老天寶 – c. 1900, Tianjin (source: PAIR OF CHINESE EXPORT SILVER BEAKERS)
- Lao Tian Li- 老天利製 o 天利 – 1890-1910, well-known for their cloisonné production (source: A pair of Chinese Cloisonné vases, Lao Tian Li)
- LC o SANGUIJERÍA – Lee Ching – c. 1879, Canton, Hong Kong and Shanghai (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER LARGE CANN)
- LEE YEE HING – LYH – c. 1920 (source: Pair Chinese Export Silver Dragon Napkin Rings. Lee Yee Hing. c1920)
- LH o LH90 – Luen Hing – c. 1920, Shanghai (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER CIGAR/CIGARETTE BOX)
- Li Sheng- 麗生 – c. 1935, Chengdu (source: Rectangular box, filigree silver with wooden liner, one of a pair by Li Sheng, Chengdu, ca. 1935)
- LINSKY – c.1930, Tientsin. Russian silver company that had some of its silver produced in China (source: Sterling Silver Cocktail Shakers)
- L.K. o 林記 – Lee Kam – c. 1900, Canton (source: Chinese Export Silver Sauce Dishes)
- LOCK – Lock Hing – c. 1885, Hong Kong (source: A RARE CHINESE EXPORT SILVER CANN)
- LW o LUENWO – Luen Wo 聯和 – Qing dynasty, c. 1900, Shanghai (source: A Chinese export silver lobed bowl, Luen Wo, Shanghai)
- margret – F. W. Margrett & Co. – c. 1933, Bangkok (source: AN EARLY 20TH CENTURY THAI (SIAMESE) SILVER BOWL, BANGKOK DATED 1933 BY MARGRETT)
- Mei Xing - 美興 – 1910-1935, Shanghai (source: Miller’s Encyclopedia of World Silver Marks, p.831)
- MH – Man Hing – 1885-1925, Hong Kong. Similar to HW – Hone Wo (1845-1925), Hong Kong (source: A Qajar carved pearwood box containing three tea glasses with Chinese gilt-silver filigree holders)
- NGAN KI HEUNG –顏奇香 – late 20th century, Swatow. Paktong and pewter maker.
- Ning Zhao Ji- 甯兆記 – 1890-1920, Shanghai (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER GOBLET)
- Onn Sing (also Yuan Xin or Yuan Xing) – sistema operativo o 信远 – late 19th/early 20th century (source: A Chinese export repoussé silver bowl)
- pao cheng – PC 90 – c. 1890-1930, Hong Kong and Qingdao (source: A Chinese export silver plain oval snuff box by Pao Cheng, Hong Kong and Qingdao)
- PAO.CHU – Pao Chu – Tientsin (source: Three Chinese Export Silver Boxes, 19th Century)
- PAOKUANG – late 19th/early 20th century, Canton (source: Pair of Chinese Export Silver Vases, Pao Kuang, Canton, late 19th/early 20th century)
- PRITCHARD y compañía – late 19th/early 20th century, Penang and Ipoh, Malaysia (source: A silver pocket watch made by Moeris & retailed by Pritchard & Co Ltd. Penang & Ipoh)
- Qingxiang- 慶祥 (also Hing Chang) – 1875-1910, Tientsin (source: A Chinese silver relief-decorated bowl, marked Qing Xiang, 19/20th C.)
- Qing Yun - 慶雲 – 1783-1900, Tianjin (source: A fine large Chinese silver pumpkin-shaped condiments box and cover, Qing Yun, Tientsin, 18/19th C.)
- Qi Ji – 啟記 – artisan workshop, late 19th / early 20th century. Retailed by Wang Hing (source: A Chinese Export Silver Box Artisan Workshop Mark of Qi Ji)
- Qiu-ji- 求記 – late 19th / early 20th century, Canton (source: Chinese Export Silver- Artisans and Retailers)
- Qiu Tian Bao- 裘天寶 – 2nd half of the 19th century, Shanghai (source: A PAIR OF CHINESE EXPORT SILVER VASES)
- CAROLINA DEL SUR o 先施 o S – Sincere & Co – c. 1920, Canton / Shanghai (source: An early 20th century Chinese export silver rose bowl)

- SEWO – variation of ZEEWO – early 20th century, Shanghai (source: A Chinese export silver five-piece tea and coffee service stamped SEWO)
- SF – Canta gordo (盛发) – 1880-1930, Canton and Shanghai (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER DRESSING TABLE SET)
- SHANG HING – early 20th cenutry, Swatow pewter ware (source: A Chinese Shang Hing Swatow Pewter tea caddy and box, early 20th century)
- Shengyuan- 聲元 – c. 1930, Beijing (source: An early 20th century Chinese Export silver sauce boat, Beijing circa 1930 by Sheng Yuan)
- Shisou or Shi Shou – 石叟 – mark found on silver inlaid bronze items from the late Ming and Qing dynasty. Name referring to a retired monk producing this type of metalware during the late Ming dynasty but not much is known about him. (source: A silver-inlaid bronze, hu)
- SIUKEE – Siu Kee Company – late 19th / early 20th century, Hong Kong (source: A Chinese Export 900 standard silver flatware service for eighteen)
- SS – Sun Shing – 1790-1930, Canton (source: A PAIR OF CHINESE EXPORT SILVER SALT CELLARS)
- Sui Chang – 遂昌 – early 20th century, Shanghai (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER BOWL)
- SUDOESTE – Shing Wo – c. 1920, Hong Kong (source: Pair of Chinese Export Silver Candlesticks)
- T – Tu Hopp – 1780-1840, Canton (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER BOWL)
- ATAQUE o 德興 – Tack Ching – c. 1945, Hong Kong (source: A mid-20th century Chinese silver punch set, Hong Kong circa 1945 retailed by Tack Ching)
- TAI o 泰山 – Tai Shan – c. 1905-1911, Beijing (source: The Numismatic Collectors’ Series sale – Chinese Coins)

- Tai Heng Yuan Fang Ji – 天 泰亨源方记 – 1870-1880, Shanghai (source: A late 19th century Chinese silver export trophy goblet or standing cup, Shanghai circa 1870-80)
- TAIHUA o 泰華 – Wen Hua Shun ? – c. 1937 (source: Chinese silver menu holder used in Royal Navy wardroom, 1937)
- TAI KUT o 大吉 – Tai Kut – early 20th century, Canton (source: An early 20th century Chinese Export silver basket, Canton circa 1920 retailed by Wang Hing)
- términos y condiciones – Taylor & Company – c. 1890 (source: Chinese Export Silver Bowl – Antique Circa 1890)
- TEHLING – Teh Ling Company – 1895-1900, Beijing (Peking) (source: A SIX PIECE TEH LING CHINESE EXPORT SILVER VANITY SET, Peking, China, circa 1895-1900)
- Tian Bao - 天寶 (also Lao Tian Bao) – c. 1900, Tianjin (source: PAIR OF CHINESE EXPORT SILVER BEAKERS)
- TS o 天盛 – Tien Shing – c. 1900, Hong Kong (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER-GILT WAITER AND A SILVER GOBLET)
- Tu Qing He – 涂慶和 – Jiujiang (Silver tea set with repousse spiral strips of floral and dragon design)
- Tu Mao Xing- 涂茂興 – 1880-1930, Jiangxi province (source: GROUP OF FOUR EXPORT SILVER LOBED BOWLS)
- Tu Qing Yun- 涂慶雲 – c. 1930, Jiujang (source: An early 20th century Chinese Export silver pepper pot, Jiujiang circa 1930 by Tu Qing Yun)
- Tu Tian Xing- 涂天興 – early 20th century, Jiujiang (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER TRAY)
- TUCK CAMBIO 德昌 o CT -1870-1920, Shanghai (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER CENTERPIECE)
- Yi Tai – 益泰 – c. 1895, Xian, Shaanxi province (source: Chinese Silver Ginger Jar)
- W – Wong Shing – 1820-1860, Canton (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER BARREL-FORM BEAKER AND COVER)
- WAI KEE – Wai Kee Jewellers Ltd.- 20th century, Hong Kong (source: A Chinese Export Silver Cigarette-Case Artisan Workshop Mark of Sheng, Canton and Hong Kong, Retailed by Wai Kee Jewellers Ltd., Hong Kong, 20th Century)
- WAN-PAO – Wanbao – second half of the 19th century, Qingdao (source: A silver bowl. Second half 19th century)
- Watanabe- 渡邊 – Japanese silversmith. Meiji period, Yokohama (source: A JAPANESE SILVER BOWL, WATANABE, YOKOHAMA, MEIJI PERIOD, CIRCA 1905)
- WC – Wing Chun – c. 1890, Hong Kong (source: ANTIQUE 19thC CHINESE IMPRESSIVE SOLID SILVER GOBLET, WING CHUN c.1890)
- WF – Wing Fat – 1875-1930, Hong Kong (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER CENTERPIECE BOWL AND SPOON)
- WH o WH90 – Wang Hing & Company 宏興 – late 19th / early 20th century, Canton and Hong Kong (source: Chinese Export Silver- Artisans and Retailers)
- Wen Hua Shun – 文華順 – late 19th / early 20th century, Wei-Hai-Wei City. Also produced pewter and Yixing pieces (source: A Chinese pewter mounted Yixing stoneware four piece tea set, late 19th/early 20th Century)
- WINGONCO – Wing On Company – 1900-1950, Hong Ko (source: CHINESE EXPORT SILVER CUP . Wing On & Company, Hong Kong, circa 1900-1950)
- WL – Wo Long – c. 1880, Canton (source: Antique Chinese Solid Silver War Junk Boat, Wo Long, Canton, circa 1880)
- WN – Wing Nam & Company 永南 – 1875-1920, Hong Kong (source: A PAIR OF CHINESE EXPORT SILVER ROSEWATER SPRINKLERS)
- SW o MUJER – Wo Shing – c. 1910, Shanghai (source: CHINESE EXPORT SILVER BOWL)
- WSL o WO SING PULMON – Wo Sing Lung – 1890-1930, Shanghai (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER DRESSING TABLE SET)
- Wuhua- 物華 – 1890-1940, Beijing (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER MEAT DISH)
- Xian Shi- 先施 o 先施公司 – Sincere & Co. – c. 1925 (source: A PAIR OF CHINESE EXPORT SILVER VASES)
- Xie Chang- 協昌 – early 20th century (source: A CHINESE SILVER STEM CUP AND COVER. Early 20th Century)
- Xin Feng Xiang- 新鳳祥 -c. 1925, Shanghai (source: A large Chinese silver tripod censer, Shanghai Xinfengxiang 上海新鳳祥 mark, dated 1925)
- Yang Qing He- 楊慶和福記 o 杨庆和发记 – c. 1890, Shanghai (source: ANTIQUE 19thC CHINESE EXPORT SOLID SILVER DRAGON BOWL, YANG QING HE c.1890)
- Yao Quan Xing- 姚泉興 – 1890-1940, Chengdu (source: A Set of Six Chinese Export Silver Filigree Plates)
- Ye Bo- 葉伯 – late 19th century, Canton and Hong Kong. Produced pieces for Wang Hing (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER TEA CADDY)
- YECHANDO – Ye Ching – early 20th century, Tientsin (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER TEAPOT AND ASSOCIATED CREAM JUG)
- YENSON – early 20th century (source: A Chinese Export silver ice bucket)
- Yi An – 饴安 – late 19th / early 20th century (source: An export silver bowl and stem cup)
- YING HENG o 西亨 – early 20th century (source: An early 20th century Chinese export silver tazza)
- YKC – c. 1880, Canton (source: A Chinese export silver card case)
- YL – Yung Lei – 1880-1915, Shanghai (source: A PAIR OF CHINESE EXPORT SILVER CANDLESTICKS)
- YOK SANG – late 19th century, Shanghai (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER SMALL FLASK)
- Yong Xing Cheng- 永興承 – late 19th century, Tianjin (source: A CHINESE SILVER BUFFALO)
- YS – Yat Shing – c. 1830, Canton (source: An early 19th century Chinese Export silver snuff box, Canton circa 1830 mark of Yat Shing)
- YUCHANG – Yu Chang – 1900-1925, Hong Kong and Shanghai (source: A Chinese jade-topped silver box, signed Yuchang Sterling, 1st half 20th C)
- Yuhua- 玉華 – late 19th / early 20th century, Linxi, Inner Mongolia (source: A Chinese silver teapot and milk jug, 19/20th C.)
- Yu Yao He – 余耀和 – artisan silversmith, Canton, late Qing dynasty, c. 1880 (source: A CHINESE EXPORT SILVER VASE.)
- Yu Zhen - 裕珍 – late 19th century, Xiamen (Amoy) (source: Chinese Silver Wedding Bracelets)
- Yuan Xin- 远信 – c. 1890 (source: Chinese Export Silver Goblet)
- ZEESUNG – early 20th century, Shanghai (source: An early 20th century Chinese export silver sauceboat)
- ZEEWO – c. 1900, Shanghai (source: CHINESE EXPORT SILVER BASKET)
- Zhao Chang- 兆昌 – late Qing dynasty (source: LARGE EXPORT SILVER TRAY)
- Zheng Yang- 正揚 – early 20th century, Tianjin (source: Cup-warmer and two silver bells, early 20th Century)
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