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This page lists some of the marks and signatures found on antique or vintage Japanese cloisonné, bronzes, woodblock prints, paintings and other non-ceramic objects. For identification of marks on Japanese porcelain and pottery visit our 日本瓷器商标识别指南. We are a member of eBay Partner Network. When you click links on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission.

Last updated: March 2025

Other Japanese Marks and Signatures - Identification Guide

Marks on Japanese cloisonné, bronzes and other metalware

Ando Cloisonné Company – circular wire inlaid Japanese cloisonné mark of Ando Cloisonné Company (安藤七宝店), founded in 1880 by Andō Jubei and still active today.
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CPO – Central Purchasing Office – mark used on items sold to the Allied Forces during the occupation of Japan after the WWII (1945-1952). Sometimes also accompanied by ‘Made in Occupied Japan’.
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Fujii Yoshitoyo mark

Fujii Yoshitoyo 藤井美豊 – mark used by Fujii Damascene Co., depicting Mt. Fuji (藤) with character ‘i’ (井) inside (= 藤井 ‘Fujii’). Early 20th century.
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马克·福 (幸福或好运)见于 20 世纪初的日本景泰蓝
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Fine Antique Japanese Cloisonne Enamelled 'Hundred Treasures' Bowl. 19th Century

Another similar version of this stylized Japanese cloisonne ‘Fuku’ mark 福 (happiness or good fortune) from a bowl decorated in a so-called ‘hundred treasures’ pattern.
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丰云 / Houun 峰云 (替代读作 'Minegumo') – 发现于 20 世纪后期的青铜器和铜器 (Takaoka-doki)。 昭和时代
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Inaba Shichiho (1850-1931) – Inaba cloisonne company was active during the Meiji, Taisho and Shōwa era, late 19th-early 20th century.
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Namikawa Sōsuke 濤川惣助 (1847–1910) – silver wire inlaid ‘Sakigake’ mark of Japanese cloisonné workshop of Namikawa Sōsuke. Meiji period, late 19th – early 20th century.
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Maruni 丸二 – vintage Japanese lacquerware dating to the occupation of Japan after the WWII (1945-1952). This mark is from a pair of lacquered and incised metal vases.
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野川升 能川商店 – 雕刻标记,带有平假名の(“no”)和背景中的三条垂直线“川”(“kawa”或“kawa”)。 明治时期的金属器皿。
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Okuda 奥田 – gilt lacquered pewter metalware signed 京都 奥田製 ‘Kyoto, Made by Okuda’. Late 19th or early 20th century.
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圣哉 诚谷 – studio of Genryusai Seiya – stamped mark found on Meiji period bronzes. Sometimes also ‘Seiya zo’ 誠谷造, ‘Seiya saku’ 誠谷作, or 源龍斎誠谷造 ‘Genryusai Seiya zo’
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三枝宗太郎 三枝惣太郎 (1911-2006) – 20 世纪后期铸铁动物雕像上发现的典型工作室标记
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Takahashi Keiten 高橋敬典 (1920-2009) – native of Yamagata prefecture recognized as a Living National Treasure in metalworking. From a bronze vase marked 敬典
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竹内忠兵卫 – 20 世纪初的日本青铜花瓶,带有浮雕 Takeuchi 标记和专利号。
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远山胜信 – 日本明治时期的铁制 koro,下方刻有“胜信刻”签名和金色镶嵌方形印章。
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Kawase Hasui 川瀬 巴水 (1883 – 1957) – ‘Hasui’ 巴水 seal found on Shin-hanga woodblock print published by Watanabe, c. 1930s
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Kawase Hasui 川瀬 巴水 (1883 – 1957) – seal found on early 20th century Shin-hanga woodblock prints
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Imao Keinen 今尾 景年 (1845-1924) – 在《景年花鸟画镜》(Keinen kacho gakan)的木刻版画上发现印章。
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丰原邦亲 (Kunichika Toyohara) 豊原国周 (1835-1900) – 浮世绘木刻版画,署名“Kunichika ga”国周画,带有圆形红色利玉印章。 1850年代-1860年代
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Shiro Kasamatsu 笠松 紫浪 (1898-1991) – oval ‘Shiro’ 紫浪 seal found on shin-hanga woodblock print published by Watanabe around c. 1930.
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高桥松亭,出生于弘明(1871年 – 1945年2月11日) – 带有震后“Shōtei”红色印章的新版画木刻版画
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高桥松亭,出生于弘明(1871年 – 1945年2月11日) – 另类 Shin-hanga 木刻版画,带有矩形“Shōtei”红色印章
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高桥松亭,出生于弘明(1871年 – 1945年2月11日) – ‘Shotei’ 松亭 double gourd seal found on Watanabe published woodblock print from c. 1920s-30s
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高桥松亭,出生于弘明(1871年 – 1945年2月11日) – rectangular ‘Shotei’ 松亭 (sometimes also interpreted as ‘Rakutei’) seal found on Watanabe Shozaburo published woodblock print from c. 1930s.
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寺内 – Fukutaro Terauchi(生于 1891 年) – 签名见于 c。 20世纪中叶纸上水彩画。
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Utagawa Hiroshige I 広重初代 (1797–1858) – signature 広重画 ‘Hiroshige ga’ from a late Edo period woodblock print dated c. 1845-46.
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Utagawa Kunisada a.k.a. Toyokuni III (1786-1865) – signature 五渡亭国貞画 ‘Gototei Kunisada ga’ from a late Edo period woodblock print dated c. 1829.
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Utagawa Yoshiiku a.k.a. Ochiai Yoshiiku 落合芳幾 (1833-1904) – signature 芳幾画 ‘Yoshiiku ga’ from a late Edo period woodblock print dated c. 1860.
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Identification of Asian Antiques. Translation of Chinese and Japanese Porcelain Marks