Contact us at [email protected] with any questions regarding our products or services.
Due to high demand and number of requests that we are dealing with at the moment, it can take up to 2 weeks for us to get to your enquiry. Use our 身份证明服务 if you want to receive your valuation and/or identification within 24 hours.

Q: I need my auction lots shipped from London to the US. Quotes provided by the auction house are too high. Are you able to post items won at Christie’s, Sotheby’s, Bonhams etc. from London/UK to other countries for less?
A: Yes. Simply arrange the delivery of your items from London to our office in Kent (only 30 miles outside London) and we will forward them to you via FedEx, UPS or Royal Mail at a fraction of their price. Contact us at [email protected] for more details.
问:我正在寻找在我附近购买古董的人。 您购买古董和收藏品吗?
答:是的。 我们直接购买古董和收藏品,或者如果更方便的话可以推荐您附近的古董经销商。
问:你们提供古董估价吗? 您能就我可以在哪里出售我的古董物品提供建议吗?
A: Yes. We offer free appraisals of Asian art and other antiques. We can provide auction estimates and refer you to your local auction house.
Q: I own a large collection of antiques that I would like to sell. Are you able to visit me to appraise or purchase some of it?
答:是的。 我们可以亲自拜访您并评估您的收藏。 我们在肯特、伦敦、萨里和苏塞克斯购买古董,并可以安排收集您的物品。 与我们联系了解更多详情。
问:我想出售我的古董东方家具。 你能来我家取家具吗?
答:是的。 我们购买古董亚洲和东方家具,并可以在肯特、伦敦、萨里和苏塞克斯安排收藏。
问:我拥有一件年代和来源不明的旧物品。 你能识别未知的古董吗?
答:是的。 在大多数情况下,我们可以提供有关您的古董的原产国和大致年龄以及它们的价值的信息。
问:我迫切需要知道我的古董的价值。 您需要多长时间才能评估我收藏的古董和收藏品?
答:我们尽量在 48 小时内回复所有提交的内容。