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eBay 拍卖 – 中国 18 世纪古董出口瓷鹅盘。 乾隆时期
Wonderful Qianlong period porcelain dish with grisaille and gilt decorated central scene featuring eight geese, framed by cavetto with nicely preserved floral sprays in blue enamels and with gilt border running along the rim. For similar example decorated with goldfish see collection of The Metropolitan Museum in New York – object 79.2.721.
Diameter: 23 cm
eBay auction closing 5 July 2022
Recent Catawiki Auctions – make sure to follow our seller profile and social media to receive updates with our new listings

Beautiful rare original Japanese woodblock print by Toyohara Kunichika – Pampas Grass (Obana): Actor Ichikawa Kuzô III as Hakamadare no Yasusuke, from the series Thirty-six Selected Flowers and Grasses (Sanjûrokkasô no uchi), 1865. In good antique condition with only minor signs of aging as per photographs.

Porcelain Brush Rest Depicting a Horse Among Rolling Waves – China – Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)
Fantastic Chinese porcelain brush rest in the form of a reclining horse among rolling waves. In excellent condition with only some minor original firing flaws and iron oxide marks. Height: 6 cm; length: 9 cm.

普陀山法雨寺杨枝观音碑的中国原始拓片 – 中国 – 20 世纪
美丽而罕见的杨枝观音原始墨拓,取自明代万历年间的石碑,并根据唐代大师颜立本的画作改编。 非常好的例子,安装在丝绸挂轴上。 尺寸:卷轴尺寸183×63厘米,拓印面积116×52厘米

古董日本 Sukashi 镂空铁锷带镀金装饰 – 日本 – 江户时代 (1600-1868)
精美的日本四叶形锷,描绘了相互缠绕的花朵或带有花蕾的树枝,并进一步用金色装饰。 未签名。 状况非常好,有一些与年代相关的痕迹,根据照片,镀金装饰有轻微磨损。 尺寸:6.9×6.2厘米

大型中国丝绸原画。 带框和釉面 – 中国 – 19 世纪
一对可爱的大型中国原创丝绸画,描绘了从山雾中出现的少女和仙人。 装框精美,上釉。 尺寸:每框尺寸为57×19厘米; 每件艺术品的尺寸为 43×10 厘米。

古董日本镀金漆游戏收纳盒,带原装漆架。 明治时期(1868-1912)
Beautifully shaped Japanese black lacquered box finely decorated with subtle gilded floral motifs and insects. Domed lid features partially gilded design with flowers, butterflies and miniature framed scene. Complete set of removable compartments inside. Originally intended for storing playing cards but would make a great jewellery or trinket box. Comes with its original detachable and fully lacquered stand. Very elegant example of Japanese lacquerware.

Large Antique Japanese Natural Form Burr Wood ‘Tabako-bon’ Holder. 19th century
Stunning antique Japanese scholar’s object made out of solid burr wood with beautiful surface texture and dark patina. Originally designed to hold smoking implements of traditional ‘Tabako bon’ set: hi’ire – container for lit charcoal and haifuki – tall container or a piece of bamboo for used tobacco ash. Could be also used for calligraphy brush pots or as a display stand for other scholar’s objects. Apocryphal Chinese four-character ‘Da Qing Qian Long’ mark carved to the base.