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Guida all'identificazione dei marchi d'argento per l'esportazione cinese

This glossary lists some of the most common marks of artisan and retail silversmiths found on antique Chinese export silver. Identification of Chinese silver marks can often prove to be a tedious task so we’ve created this simple, condensed list of names, marks, dates and locations to make your initial research slightly easier. This simple guide is based on data from a variety of sources and auction listings. We’ve tried our best to correctly transcribe Chinese character marks based on photographs found in literature and online, but if you spot any mistakes, please let us know! Most dates are approximate and based on known examples rather than official records so use them as a rough guide only. For simplicity we’ve included one primary reference (with dating) for each mark, but in many cases we’ve used several sources with different variations of the mark while compiling this list.

Last updated: February 2025

Comprensione dei diversi tipi di segni trovati sull'argento da esportazione cinese

1. marchi di artigiani argentieri – questi marchi in caratteri cinesi appartengono alla persona che ha creato e decorato l'oggetto

2. marchi di argentieri al dettaglio – marchio del rivenditore che ha venduto l'oggetto nel proprio negozio. L'argentiere al dettaglio e l'argentiere artigiano possono in alcuni casi essere la stessa persona. Questi segni sono generalmente iniziali o un nome completo scritto in inglese.

3. segni di posizione - sia in caratteri inglesi che cinesi - puoi trovare esempi di questi di seguito.

4. marchi di purezza – Chinese silver is most commonly marked with ‘Zu Wen’ (high-grade silver) mark in Chinese characters. Sometimes it is also stamped STERLING or SOLID SILVER. There are also numerical marks such as 90, 85, 80 or 935, 900 etc.

Generic silver marks

足紋 o 足銀 – high-grade silver
純銀 – pure silver (Japanese silver mark)
点銅 (Diăntóng) – Chinese pewter mark
北京 – Pechino
廣東 – Guangdong
o 上海 – Shangai
南京路 – Nanjing Road
天津 – Tientsin (Tianjin)

Typical Chinese ‘zú wén’ 足紋 silver mark


Fine Antique Japanese Silver Bowl With Prunus Blossom by Arthur and Bond, Yokohama. Meiji Period
Fine Antique Japanese Silver Bowl With Prunus Blossom by Arthur and Bond, Yokohama. Meiji Period (from our archive)



Antique Chinese Export Silver Peach Shaped Dish With Cum Wo Mark (from our archive)



‘Feng Xiang’ 鳳翔 silver mark with unusual heart-shaped three dot mark. Beijing mark 北京 at the top and silver mark 足紋 below, both written right to left. (from our archive)



Fine Chinese export silver bowl made by artisan silversmith Qi Chang 其昌 and sold by Hung Chong & Co. (from our archive)




Impressed mark of KUT SHOWN 吉順 PEWTER No.1 SWATOW (from our archive)


Incised mark of Lao Tian Li 老天利製 on a cloisonné enamelled vase (from our archive)



Mark of NGAN KI HEUNG 顏奇香 PEWTER WARE SWATOW (from our archive)





Mark of Sincere & Co with letter S and Chinese form of their name ‘Xian Shi’ 先施 (short for 先施公司). Between them is the purity mark 90. Mark on the left appears to be character 壎 ‘Xūn’. (from our archive)

Typical stylized ‘Shisou’ mark 石叟 from a Qing dynasty silver inlaid bronze vase (from our archive)


Mark of Tai Shan 泰山 with the mark for Beijing (Peking) 北京 at the top, written right to left (from our archive). Sometimes incorrectly transcribed as ‘Jiu Tai Shan’ 就泰山.



Antique Chinese Export Silver Lobed Bowl By Woshing. Shanghai, late 19th century
Antique Chinese Export Silver Lobed Bowl By Woshing. Shanghai, late 19th century (from our archive)




Serve ancora aiuto?

If you need further assistance with identification of unknown Chinese silver marks, please Contattaci.

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