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How to Date Antique Chinese Cloisonné

Dating antique Chinese cloisonné can often be a challenging task, as it is not always easy to determine the age of a piece based on its appearance alone. However, there are a few key characteristics that can help narrow down the age of a cloisonné piece. One of the most important factors in dating antique Chinese cloisonné is the style. Cloisonné from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) tends to have a more formal, classical style, while cloisonné from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) is often more decorative and ornate.

Les émaux de la dynastie Ming ont tendance à avoir une palette de couleurs plus douces et plus discrètes, tandis que le développement des émaux de la famille rose sous la dynastie Qing a permis une gamme de couleurs beaucoup plus large avec une apparence plus vibrante.

Les exemples ci-dessous donnent un aperçu simple de la décoration florale typique de lotus ou 'Bao Xiang Hua' trouvée sur les cloisonnés des dynasties Ming et Qing entre le XVe et le XVIIIe siècle. Ce motif a été inspiré par la porcelaine bleue et blanche du XIVe siècle et reste populaire à ce jour. Veuillez noter que les images ci-dessous ne montrent que les tendances générales au fil des siècles. Il y avait une variabilité entre les différents ateliers et ces motifs étaient également souvent copiés sur des cloisonnés des XIXe et XXe siècles. Tenez toujours compte des autres facteurs mentionnés sur cette page pour vous assurer que tous les aspects de votre objet sont compatibles avec la période de fabrication proposée.

Identification and dating of antique Chinese cloisonné

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Identification of Asian art and antique porcelain marks
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Other factors that can help in dating antique Chinese cloisonné include the design and subject matter of the piece, as well as any marks or inscriptions that may be present. It also helps to compare designs with lacquerware and porcelain of the period as they often share very similar decorative motifs. It is important to note that it is often difficult to accurately date antique Chinese cloisonné based on these factors alone, as there is often overlap between different styles and periods. In order to accurately date a piece of cloisonné, it is necessary to consult with a specialist or refer to reference materials such as books or online resources.

Examples of 19th-20th Century Chinese Cloisonné Enamelware From Our Collection

Antique Chinese Blue Ground Cloisonne Vase. 19th century, Qing Dynasty
Antique 19th century Chinese blue ground cloisonné vase with floral decoration.

Antique Chinese Cloisonne Enamelled Dragon Vase by Lao Tian Li. Early 20th century
Antique Chinese cloisonné enamelled dragon vase by Lao Tian Li. Base marked with incised square mark 老天利製 ‘Made by Lao Tian Li’. Early 20th century.

Pair of Chinese Cloisonne Enamelled Dragon Vases. Early 20th Century
Attractive pair of Chinese cloisonné enamelled vases depicting dragons amongst clouds chasing after the flaming pearl. c. first half of the 20th century.

Fine Chinese Black Cloisonne Calligraphy Brush Washer and Brush Pot Transforming Vase
Interesting Chinese monochrome cloisonné vase that can be separated in the middle to create two separate vessels (top section is sealed at the bottom). 20th century.

A Large Chinese Cloisonné Bowl with Buddhist 'Bao Xiang Hua' Floral Decoration
A later 20th century large black Chinese cloisonné bowl decorated with geometric patterns interspersed with Bao Xiang Hua floral sprays. Apocryphal four-Qianlong character reign mark to the base.

Fine Chinese Blue Ground Cloisonne Enamel Buddhist Ashtamangala Pedestal Bowl
Gorgeous Chinese cloisonné enamelled pedestal bowl depicting Buddhist Ashtamangala or Eight Auspicious Signs. 20th century

Fine Chinese Cloisonne Round Covered Box With Buddhist Symbols and Carved Jade Plaque
Large Chinese covered cloisonné bowl decorated with auspicious symbols including eight Buddhist precious objects (Ashtamangala), Shou characters and bats on a blue ground with clouds. Later 20th century

Fine Chinese Vintage Cloisonne Enamelled Vases With Butterflies. 20th Century
Belle paire de vases chinois vintage en émail cloisonné avec une superbe décoration représentant des papillons, des volutes feuillagées et divers motifs géométriques. Pièces de bonne qualité datant de la seconde moitié du XXème siècle.

Lectures complémentaires : Brinker Helmut Susanna Swoboda et Albert Lutz. 1989.Cloisonné Chinois : La Collection Pierre Uldry. New York : galeries de la société asiatique.

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Identification of Asian art and antique porcelain marks
Si vous avez besoin d'aide supplémentaire pour identifier le cloisonné chinois, veuillezNous contacter.

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Identification of Asian Antiques. Translation of Chinese and Japanese Porcelain Marks